About Our University

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In accordance with Decree №209 of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR "On measures for the organization of public education in the western regions of Belarus" dated February 22, 1940, the Grodno Teachers' Institute was established.

There were two departments - the Belarusian language and literature, the Russian language and literature, and physical and mathematical, where teachers incomplete secondary school were trained.

The first rector of the institute was S.Ya. Raskin, a specialist in history and methodology of teaching chemistry. A little more than 100 students were accepted during the first year. Classes at the institute began on March 7, 1940.

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Course categories

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You will learn the key aspects of company management.

Health & Psychology

Training in psychology in our center will make it easy to understand people in 5 minutes of communication with them.


Providing self-control and advanced training for the successful implementation of business objectives.

Chemistry & Biology

Students will have to learn many terms and facts from the course of botany, zoology and anatomy.

Art & Media

The course is expected for people without art education who want to reveal their creative potential, using oil or acrylic painting.

Real Estate

A real estate agent is engaged in the search and selection of residential, non-residential or commercial real estate for the purpose of their further sale.


We carefully choose a program for studying English in England, the USA or in the international language center of any part of the world.

Web & Programming

To become a programmer, you need to write code. There are many good books on the Internet, but you won’t become a programmer reading books.

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